Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What´s the difference between an alley and a street?

The day started with a simple breakfast at the B&B with other guests, a couple from The Netherlands headed to Galicia (Muxia), and a woman from Key West, FL.  Lovely to sit and chat and share.

Then off to explore Madrid further.  I  struck out aiming for Park retiro, but allowed for many distractions along the way.  When I first arrived at the B&B, Eduardo pointed out numerous things on a small Xeroxed map.  In explaining locations and length of walks, he merrily would say, "it's a 25 minute walk, unless you pause, then it takes hours."  I walked all over Madrid for  9 hours.

One of my distractions was a yarn shop where not one person spoke English.  I managed to buy a hank of yarn and a hook.  We'll see what comes of it.  We'll, I should tell you that I spent several hours tonight trying to roll that hank into a ball.  Most of it is finally ruled up, but I think I'm going too be working on the remaining tangle tomorrow evening.  I'm sure there's a lesson in there.

A few minor irritations:  most of technical natures...accessing bank account with ATM card, or rather unable to access it.  Hmmm.  And then I have no earthly idea how to make a call out to the US.  The salesperson gave me a demonstration, but I guess I was way too gone with flight exhaustion to have it register.  I guess this is going to be another ongoing adventure.

I spent a long time at a HUGE park this afternoon - Park Retiro.  Lots of people watching going on.  Lots of local folks strolling and sitting.  I don´t think we in the US do enough strolling and sitting in parks on an everyday basis.

So many outdoor cafes.  So many plazas.  Lovely spots to sit and relax and socialize with people.

Plaza Mayor today was abuzz with lots of activity.  Lots of people dressed up as various popular characters: Charlie Chaplin, Minnie Mouse, Bart Simpson, Mickey Mouse.  Be prepared to pay for the privilege of taking a photo.  Charlie Chaplin chased me and spoke - informing me I needed to pay.  Lesson learned.

I had an interesting "sensitive" yogurt with aloe vera
for dinner.  Tasty.  Don't know about sensitive.

Tomorrow I'm off to find the bus terminal via the subway...many opportunities for excitement.  I'm taking the bus to Lugo, northwestern Spain.  Thursday I head to Sarria to commence my Camino.

Lots of pictures, I just haven't figured out how to attach them to this blog.

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, Peg, here's another tutorial (whether you need it or not!). After you've written your post and saved it, there's a little camera icon up in the right corner on the post. Click on that and you can add your pictures!
