Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Kindness of Strangers

Yesterday, after only 3 hours of sleep, I arose and made for heading out to Sarria.  Not before, however, assistance getting all my equipment on (backpack and fanny/daypack) from Norma.  So sweet, Norma, she scolded me about what she thought was the weight of the backpack.

Then two subway transfers later I was at the main Bus Station; along with a few other hundreds of folks.  While waiting for the departure time, I attempted to mail some postcards.  I only succeeded because one kind fellow took me by hand and walked me down the street, through the shopping mall, down the elevator to the basement post office - I would NEVER have found it.  I´m very grateful for all the many kindnesses I experience in my everyday bumbling around as a stranger in this strange land.

Riding the bus was an act of faith.  In purchasing the ticket, I discovered there were several options with the name Lugo in them.  Hmmm.  Not a matter of translation, merely a matter of not knowing anything about locations in Spain.  Fortunately, I opted for the correct one.  Of course, I didn´t know that until I actually found myself in the town itself.  

The countryside along the way was so very beautiful: a mixture of northern California and eastern Washington, very verdant, at least now.  Perhaps not later in the summer?  I observed lots of wind turbines and solar panel arrays--communities, large and small, as well as in private estates/farms.  So sensible.  I wonder at the continued resistance in the US to swing full scale into these alternatives.

I chanced to see a cluster of houses built into a collective of berms.  Very intriguing and quite attractive.  Very alternative.

Lots of sheep grazing placidly without a care in the world.

On arriving at Lugo, I again required assistance in finding the "centrally" located hotel.  It helps to know the lay of the land...and the maps I´ve consulted haven´t been great in assistance.  Anyway, with great pantomiming by the information attendant and really poor Spanish abilities on my part (forget about Portugese, which seems to be the decided influence in Lugo), I struck off on my walk with more confidence in my strides than I had inside.

I walked down alongside an ancient Medieval fortification.  I looked at the gazillion stones, of varying shapes  - indicating some being intentionally mined and shaped and others being found and used as is - and wondered how many men over how many hours, days, and years were required to build it.

Several people spoke to me as I walked by.  It´s an oddity to see a Pelegrino walking from the bus station down through town?  Well, I WAS going in the wrong direction.  I am sure they thought I was an errant Pelegrina.  One man, walking his dog, stopped and informed me the Camino was in the opposite direction.  I explained I was looking for the hotel.  He shared his surprise that I was staying in a hotel.  Amusing.  I'm doing everything wrong.  I explained - or attempted - that I would start Thursday from Sarria.  In any event, he walked me close to the hotel, so kind.  And believe me, I need all the help I can get and am learning to gratefully receive it.

Today I woke and took the train to Sarria.  What a very lovely ride.  Sarria, I started looking for the traces/signs.  Again, several people kindly pointed me in the correct direction.  And if I thought directions were my single challenge, I met my first hillside stairway up to the albergues, in the heat, with the backpack on.  Hmm.  This is REAL.

I neglected to start the blog with my intended motto for the journey - I read it in something Anne Lamott wrote:  START SLOW AND TAPER OFF.  The heat and the hills and stairs might very well be enforcing that motto.

Many Germans around...I have yet to run into many English speakers.  I´ve observed a vast array of shapes and sizes in people and backpacks.  I´m happy to say I do not have the largest/heaviest bag.  I´ve seen many women with huge backpacks and they walk along as if they don´t have a care in the world - in the heat!  Okay, if they can do it so can I.  I´m just going to do it SLOWLY.

I´m typing this from a more ancient computer today, so amazingly slow.  Inserting photos will not happen today.  I will post pictures on FB from my phone.

Okay, it´s 7pm and I shall go in search of an early supper for tomorrow I need to hit the path before the sun turns to a furnace.

Live and well and feeling blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I've finally caught up to you! Just read all your blogs. Sounds like a wonderful start. I'm with you in spirit.
