Friday, May 9, 2014


I have been doodling spirals for a very, very long time, never investigating why. I wondered, and continued to doodle. 
In less than 48 hours I depart to walk yet another Path: the Camino de Santiago. So, I decided to set up this blog to which I can post pictures and thoughts/descriptions for friends who might be interested. I went in search of title and images for the blog. My first thought was the spirals. Perhaps it’s time to explore further — so many double meanings…
Spiral — The Spiral, which is the oldest symbol known to be used in spiritual practices, reflects the universal pattern of growth and evolution. The spiral represents the goddess, the womb, fertility and life force energy. Reflected in the natural world, the Spiral is found in human physiology, plants, minerals, animals, energy patterns, weather, growth and death. The Spiral is a sacred symbol that reminds us of our evolving journey in life. When used as a personal talisman, the Spiral helps consciousness to accept the turnings and changes of life as it evolves. The acceptance of change is one of the greatest freedoms a human can experience, putting consciousness in the present moment where the power of creation is condensed. On a larger scale, using this symbol assures all beings are reminded of their inward and outward evolution, a balanced and centered state of mind. On water, it carries the power to flow and change. (Emphasis added)
There you have it:  the subconscious (spirit) knew long before the conscious. So here I go, off to journey farther (further) along the inward/outward path. (Will I be able to continue writing this because I stumble on sticky grammatical issues presented such as farther v. further above? Perhaps it’s one of the many things of which I’m in need of letting go.)
More to come.
Buen Camino — 5.9.2014

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